PROGRESS - PAGE 7 of 64 | Trevithick Society


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Above: The Mud and water is pumped from the tunnel
into the pit where it is collected in bags for removal.
Above: Mike Dobson examining the blockage 41 meters down
the tunnel. The old access shaft was filled in back in the 1950's
 Above: It was necessary to remove the blockage so that the
tail water from the wheel pit could drain into the river.
The shaft was excavated from surface using a kibble or steel bucket.

Above: With the shaft cleared to it's depth of five meters.
The water could again freely flow the remaining one hundred meters
Above: The shaft bottom is located on a three way junction.
The tunnel ahead is the tail of from the smaller thirty five
foot wheel that also served the floors. The main tunnel is on the left.

Above: Master Carpenters Dave Bignal and Stan Skinner at Ramsey Shipyard
working on the huge twenty two foot long spokes for the Snaefell water wheel.




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