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The plot deepens

- Above:
The pit is now reaching it's depth of
three metres below the river bed.

- Above:
Stephen Carter of Laxey Towing Company finishes the excavation of
- the pit with contractor Ken
Kinrade also of Laxey. The pit, Now three meters
- deeper than the river bed was out
of reach for the diggers and had to be
- excavated with a dragline.

- Above:
The Mines group laying a power cable below the ground. The cable,
- capable of supplying up to ten
kilowatts of power will provide electricity for
- the construction of the wheel and
the flood lighting when the project is complete.
- Above: Hard Graft, Liz Cowin from Laxey plays an important role
- in the Valley Garden Projects and has
instigated the re-creation
- of the gardens and flora. Liz has
devoted almost all of her spare
- time to clearing over grown areas and
planting bulbs.

- Above:
The wheel pit now at it's final depth of
twenty five feet.
- The dark area on the left wall is the
damp caused
- by river on the other side and three
meters higher.