PROGRESS - PAGE 5 of 64 | Trevithick Society


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Above: The plot deepens

Above: The pit is now reaching it's depth of three metres below the river bed.
Above: Stephen Carter of Laxey Towing Company finishes the excavation of
the pit with contractor Ken Kinrade also of Laxey.  The pit, Now three meters
deeper than the river bed was out of reach for the diggers and had to be
excavated with a dragline.
Above: The Mines group laying a power cable below the ground. The cable,
capable of supplying up to ten kilowatts of power will provide electricity for
the construction of the wheel and the flood lighting when the project is complete.
Above: Hard Graft, Liz Cowin from Laxey plays an important role
in the Valley Garden Projects and has instigated the re-creation
of the gardens and flora. Liz has devoted almost all of her spare
time to clearing over grown areas and planting bulbs.

Above: The wheel pit now at it's final depth of twenty five feet.
The dark area on the left wall is the damp caused
by river on the other side and three meters higher.




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